Help get the best deal for Costco workers (2024)


Good news! The new Costco Agreement has been approved by the Fair Work Commission.

This is a fantastic outcome for Costco workers.

The new Costco Agreement secures your pay and conditions over the next few years and includes pay rises each year.

Remember, the new Agreement locks in:

  • Wage increase: 3% increase each year on all hourly classification rates
  • Annual leave loading of 17.5%
  • Supervisory Rate increased to $1.50 per hour
  • Rosters posted 14 days in advance. Currently, 7 days.
  • Early morning work premium to apply till 7am in warehouses
  • Second 15 minute rest break after 7 hours instead of 8 hours
  • New home office classification rates and ecomm rates (NSW only)
  • Late night penalty increased from 107.5% to 125%
  • 5 days paid Domestic Violence leave

The benefits of the new Agreement will begin to flow to workers after 27 November.

Thank you for your support. Your union membership has helped to protect and improve your pay and conditions at Costco.

The SDA worked hard throughout negotiations to ensure you receive fair pay and working conditions.

If you have any questions, please contact the SDA.

Help get the best deal for Costco workers (1)

The SDA is the union for workers at Costco. We stand together for fair pay rises and working conditions and safe workplaces.

The SDA is currently in negotiations for a new Costco Agreement.

The Costco Agreement sets out your pay and conditions at work is the best way to secure your entitlements over the next few years.

The SDA recently surveyed Costco workers. We used your feedback to form aLog of Claimsto take the Company in negotiations.


1 July 2019

New Costco Agreement voted up!

Following a ballot of Costco employees, a majority voted yes in favour of the proposed Agreement.

81% of eligible Costco employees voted in the ballot with a 94% yes vote.

This is a good outcome for Costco employees as the Agreement secures:

  • Yearly Wage Increases
  • Annual leave loading of 17.5%;
  • Supervisory Rate Increase
  • Late Night Penalty Increase
  • 5 days paid Domestic Violence leave.
  • The proposed Costco Agreement will now go to the Fair Work Commission (FWC) for approval.

The proposed Agreement will commence 7 days after approval by the FWC.

The SDA worked hard throughout negotiations to ensure you receive fair pay and working conditions.

Thank you for voting to have your say and to protect and improve your pay and conditions at work.

We will keep you updated as this process progresses.

11 April 2019

Yesterday the SDA met with Costco to continue negotiations for a new Costco Agreement that sets out your pay and conditions.

During negotiations, the SDA has now won:

– Annual leave loading of 17.5%

– Supervisory rate to be increased to $1.50

– Second 15 minute rest break after 7 hours instead of 8 hours

– Early morning work premium to apply til 7am

While negotiations are progressing and we have secured several wins there is still work to do to ensure the best possible outcomes for Costco employees.

You can read our log of claims here.

The next meeting will be held on 7 May.

Remember, you have the final say. No new Agreement will be introduced without a vote of Costco workers.

If you have any questions, please call the SDA.

13 March 2019

Today the SDA started negotiations for a new Costco Agreement with the Company.

Over the last few weeks, we have surveyed Costco members about their pay and conditions at work.

We used your feedback to develop a log of claims to take to the Company in negotiations. This log of claims was presented to the Company today bySDA National Secretary Gerard Dwyer, SDA Officials and SDA union delegates from Costco.

Throughout negotiations, it is the SDA’s priority to secure a pay rise and improved conditions at Costco.

This includes protecting penalty rates, improving allowances including forklift and cold work allowances and rostering provisions that provide better work-life balance.

The SDA is also claiming for improvements to leave entitlements including:

– 10 days paid family and domestic violence leave

– an additional day of compassionate leave for close relatives

– superannuation to be paid on parental leave

– two weeks of paid partner parental leave

Remember, you will have the final say. When negotiations are finalised, workers will have the opportunity to vote on whether or not to accept the proposed Agreement.

We will continue to update you as negotiations progress. You can also read all the latest news at



Help get the best deal for Costco workers (2024)


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Name: Duane Harber

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.